Video by Quench

Our videos help make your products look more sexy. Simple. Let us make your craft seen and shared.

We're an all-in-one video agency with 550+ stunning videos to show for it, all crafted in-house and designed to boost interest and most importantly sales.

Sales-Optimized Cinematics

Forget those artsy shots that just look good. Every frame we craft? Designed to not just capture emotion, but to make that cha-ching sound. Our videos are like the siren songs of e-commerce – irresistible and purpose-built to convert.

From Views to Receipts

So, people watched your video, had a laugh, maybe shed a tear. Cute. But what's next? With us, a view isn't just a number; it's potential order. We've got the backend magic with 'Shop by Quench' & 'Data by Quench' to turn those views into sales. It's like matchmaking, but for your brand and customers' wallets.

Pre Production
Pre-production is where we plan and lay the groundwork for your video. Quench works with you to put your vision on paper and start outlining everything we’ll need to create in order to make it a reality.
Action! Production is where we start filming and producing your video. If we’re filming on location or shooting in the studio, we’ll capture as much as we can. This is the fun part, where the magic happens.
Post Production
We’ll fix it in post. This is where we cut down the raw footage and actually make something presentable. We condense hours of footage into the final video. At this stage, we also create high-end motion graphics, visual effects, original soundtracks, or secure licensing.
When your final video is rendered and ready to be viewed by the world, we’ll optimise it for all platforms, with versions tailored for social media and video streaming platforms. We can embed our videos into websites, live events, and pretty much anywhere. And hey, we’ll also send it to our parents because they love seeing what we’re up to.

Want to see how much it costs?

All our standard pricing is public, as it should be. However all costs are an estimate and bespoke pricing is also available.

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